Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A little more about mom..

I have come a fair distance in the road we call life, I am no longer what would be called a spring chicken and that truely is a source of irritation for me one that I am trying to come to terms with.  I believe that each and everyone of us have one type of addiction or another, some are mild and don't cause any immediate harm while others can take us down the fast track to hell.  My 'addiction' if I were to have one stems from my intense fear of getting old and losing the youth that I took for granted.  And through this addiction comes the pathway for my poor relationship with food, if I eat what I think is too much or eat the wrong things or enjoy what I eat more than I should I feel out of control.  Now don't panic when you read this I really don't believe that I am anorexic but I do recognize that it's a very fine line and believe that it would be very easy to  be that way for me.  So to balance everything out I have a need to workout, to make sure that what I eat doesn't derail my control.
Wow....and people think I have it together :O)  I believe that anytime we recognize and acknowledge our behavior that is a step towards moving past it and ensuring that it doesn't take us away from those we love.  I don't think that just because I'm thin that I am any healthier than anyone who isn't, IN FACT; I was reading an article this past week about being fat skinny.  A good percentage of models and actressess are fat skinny, that is being thin but having more body fat than muscle and this can be a silent killer.  I do not want to be fat skinny...at one time I know I wasn't but now pretty sure that I probably am.  And that worries me...and it's the internal stuff that makes me worry about my daughters.  I could care less if they're a size 2 or a size 24, if they are internally healthy that's all that matters to me.  I know that a seditary life style does not do anything for being internally healthy, we have to move, we have to workout and it totally sucks!
But I do it or rather TRY to do it lately and I so wish that my desire to make myself sweat would make others want to as well, not only because it's good for us but because I would love to have someone encourage me to get up off the couch and keep moving!
In the end regardless of what we do as a parent our best intentions end up for whatever reason derailing those we love, and so the question of the day for me is....how do we encourage those we love in a way that actually moves them to movement

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